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Store the AES key for encrypting and decrypting the encoded secret keys safe in a file! Default file is /etc/pubsub.keys with the following format:

aes_key:{32 character AES key here}
aes_iv:{16 character AES iv here}

Use the $PROJECT_BUILD/pubsub/keygen/makecert for generating keypairs Use the $PROJECT_BUILD/pubsub/keygen/ed_file for encrypting and decrypting private keys

Public keys need to be stored in the ‘public’ folder having the following format:

  • pub_{topic}.pub
  • sub_{topic}.pub

Secret keys need to be stored in the ‘private’ folder having the following format:

  • pub_{topic}.key.enc
  • sub_{topic}.key.enc These files need to be encrypted using the ’ed_file’ executable.