Apache Celix is a framework for C, C++14 and C++17 to develop dynamic modular software applications using component and in-process service-oriented programming. Apache Celix is inspired by the OSGi specification and adapted to C and C++.
The main way to use Celix is by creating dynamic modules named bundles.
An Apache Celix Bundle contains a collection of shared libraries, configuration files and optional an activation entry combined in a zip file. Bundles can be dynamically installed and started in an Apache Celix framework.
When a bundle is started a C or C++ bundle context will be injected in the bundle activator.
#include <celix_api.h>
typedef struct activator_data {
/*intentional empty*/
} activator_data_t;
static celix_status_t activator_start(activator_data_t *data, celix_bundle_context_t *ctx) {
//use the bundle context ctx to activate the bundle
static celix_status_t activator_stop(activator_data_t *data, celix_bundle_context_t *ctx) {
//use the bundle context ctx to cleanup
CELIX_GEN_BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR(activator_data_t, activator_start, activator_stop)
#include <celix/BundleActivator.h>
class MyBundleActivator {
explicit MyBundleActivator(const std::shared_ptr<celix::BundleContext>& ctx) {
//use the bundle context ctx to activate the bundle
See include/celix_bundle_context.h as a starting point for the C API.
See celix::BundleContext as a starting point for the C++ API.